jueves, 28 de abril de 2011



An earthquake of magnitude 9.0 shook Japan on March 11. It is one of the strongest earthquakes ever measured worldwide. The earthquake was followed by up to 10 meter high tsunami waves that caused extensive damage. More 25.000 people died, or are still missing, over 160.000 people are looking for shelter, over 45.000 houses, community buildings and infrastructure have to be reconstructed after this multiple disasters compounded by an ongoing nuclear crisis.

Inspired by the wish to help people in Japan we at OpenSimSim decided to start an initiative called “OpenJapan”. We at OpenSimSim believe that monetary assistance helps but has not to be the only solution. By launching the initiative “OpenJapan” we would like to offer the opportunity to give what can be also very valuable: time, knowledge and experience.

The initial approaches was to discuss the issue of possible solutions we received a great feedback from many people from all over the world wanting to help or proposing ideas for projects.

Based on this we are starting our first initiative:
We are asking people to donate three days of their time in a worldwide collaborative event.

So please SAVE THE DATE: 10 -12th of June 2011


Para mayor información, se comunica que en la actualidad existe un informe realizado que recoge la iniciativas promulgadas por todos los estudiantes y plataformas vinculadas (acetsam y daetsam) de unas 17 páginas de extensión.

Extracto de conversaciones con los organizadores internacinales del evento:

(...) It seems there is a lot of energy in Madrid.
Also if it could be of any use or help I could offer to come to give a lecture before or after the event to Madrid.
I will not ask for any honorarium but the university needs to cover my travel expenses.
Let me know if this could be interesting.

Waiting for your reply.

We have our next conceptual meeting on Friday.
And by now we are receiving some very positive feed-back:
We have Red Bull as a sponsor of our event in Berlin and a very famous musician to be special guest at the New York event doing some live music.
Also I am discussing with Bjarke Ingels and Lebbeus Woods to be patron of the NY event.

Daniel Dendra

Sobre el carácter internacional:

Which cities are participating so far (tbc)?
time-shift 1 - Japan: Tokio, Sendai, Osaka
time-shift 2 - Chennai (India), Moscow (Russia)
time-shift 3 - Berlin (Germany), Madrid (Spain - in progress)*, Turin (Italy), Lisbon (Portugal)
time shift 4 - New York (USA), Kansas (USA), Chicago (USA)

*South Europe future node

72h OpenJapan WorkJam
(10.6.2011 - 12.6.2011)
Cities from different timezones are working in parallel together in the global event.
We are starting at 10am (1am GMT) with a six hours intensive work-session in Japan
which will be based on ideas and possible real projects collected beforehand and
discussed within the advisory board of OpenJapan. The results from this first brain
storm will be passed over to the next city in relation to the timezones. After 24h the
status of the work will be handed back to the node in Japan. This principle of relay
race will be repeated over 72h.
Each day is structured accordingly to design thinking phases. The first 24 hours
are dedicated to define and research the proposed topics. The second day starting
again in Japan will handle visualisation and evaluation of prototypes. The final turn is
dealing within the questions of materialisation and implementation of the commonly
conducted proposals.
The cities are grouped into 4 different time-sections working each in 6 hours shifts.
Projects will be handed over from one time-section to the next. E.g. Tokyo hands
over to Moscow which hands over to Berlin which hands over to New York. The
handover of a project is based on a short briefing and transmitting of working
materials. Before and after the intensive 6 hour shift each city node is de-briefing
with the after next shift. E.g. Tokyo is discussing with Berlin; Moscow is discussing
with New York, so that communication is held in a continuous loop between nodes
that do not transmit materials directly.
Japan as a starting point has a special role as filter and moderator of projects
and thoughts. All other cities are specialised on a specific subject of sustainability
(Ecological, Social and Economical Sustainability). Within the de-briefing time slots
the participants will be coached and discussing based on their pre-determined
specialisation. Between the more intensive 6 hour working shift and the less
intensive de-briefing educational and entertainment sessions will be organised
independently in each city.
Since there will be more then one city in each 6 hour-shift each project will be
evaluated through all three sustainability topics in a different order.
In contrast to the usual architectural design process the final result is a collectively
owned intellectual property licenced under creative commons principles. The multidisciplinary
teams will ensure a unique user based co-creation manifestation.
Events that will be hosted after this first most intensive 72hours sprint will take
responsibility in developing and implementing the ideas. Any project developed in
the OpenJapan context will be published and could possibly be developed in other
countries by any non-profit individual or organisation.
Join us for the most fun working marathon worldwide.

1 comentario:

  1. Daetsam y Acetsam están en contacto con el DPA; durante la semana cultural van a realizar una campaña de propaganda.

    Por lo que tengo entendido es probable que se realicen estos dias unas listas de personal que se inscriba para participar y poder gestionar eficazmente la organización del evento.

    Muchos habéis preguntado donde hay que inscribirse:
    Hablad y/o consultadlo en la oficina de daetsam, junto a Mairea, pabellon nuevo.
